Our wedding cake - angel food with
apricot filling and fondant frosting with chocolate hearts. And yes,
the groom has a beard!
Diane arrives at the church and is
met by Bob.
Diane and Bob posing in Mary's Grotto
outside Our Lady of Victory, just before the ceremony.
All of the wedding party left to right: Amanda
Trower, Laurie Schweinsberg, Monica Leveck, Bruce Farr, Lee Troutman, Susie
Schweinsberg (flower girl), Diane (bride), Bob (groom), Sumner Schweinsberg
(our Hobbit ring bearer), Dennis Blackwood, Larry Beuret, Bob Pirmantegen,
and Tom Leveck posing in Mary's Grotto next to Our Lady of Victory Church.
Exchanging vows at the church with
Father Gary presiding.
Our guests get their popcorn before
the movie starts. We rented the movie, High Noon, in thirty-five
millimeter format, from Kit Carson Films, to show for our reception.
Since Bob does movie reviews for the Near North News, we felt this was
the way we wanted to celebrate our marriage and share an enjoyable time
with our friends.
and Diane on stage before the movie is shown, thanking our friends for
coming and throwing the bouquet (caught by Carol Thompson). We had
a wonderful time with our friends and a lovely honeymoon in Ireland.
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